

Orchid Legal Consultants is registered law firm located at Speedy Complex Room 5, Near Main Traffic circle in the district of Maseru Lesotho specializing in Labour Matters, Commercial Matters and Family Law. The Law firm undertakes to represent Clients on any other services that requires an Advocate or otherwise agent on their behalf.

Our Core Values

Integrity - To be honest, trustworthy, respectful and dependable in our actions as we execute our mandate to our clients. To practice and show consistent adherence to ethical principles and values whilst being accountable to our actions, successes and failures.

Client orientation - To put clients first by fully understanding their legal needs. To also be committed to our client’s mandate, complete it in time and maximize the value of our services to our clients including safeguarding the security and confidentiality of their information.

Excellence - To deliver and complete client’s mandate to perfection and to tenaciously pursue delivery of outstanding results in the services we provide. To also develop a flexible and resilient work ethic to deal with change and uncertainty of any kind.

Our Vision

Building a long-term relationship with clients based on an increased mutual trust and understanding.

Our Mission

The law firm engages legal practitioners whose sole role shall be to represent the client in any manner as required by law and in the best interests of the Client

Opening hours:

Mon - fri: 8am-5pm

Sat ( by appointment): 9am-2pm

Contact us:

Address: Speedy Complex Room5 Maseru Main Circle
Email: orchidlegalconsultants1@gmail.com
Call: +266 68299222

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Developed by: L.M.khauta